Featured Media

Using the Featured Media functionality is a great way to make sure no one in your district or school misses out on vital information. Users will know there is featured media by the number indicator on the bullhorn icon at the top of their screen.

By clicking on the icon, thumbnails of the featured items will appear in a dropdown below the top bar menu. Those thumbnails are direct links to the media items within the account of whoever featured it.

Adding Featured Media

It’s easy to direct viewers to particular media items by following these steps:

  1. Navigate to the media item you’d like to feature within your gallery. Click on the thumbnail and scroll down to the buttons below the media preview.
  2. Click on Feature to open up a popup with some options. Depending on your user account level, you can choose to show the media to All Users, Teachers and Above, School Admins and Above, or District Admins and Above.
    Note: If you are a District Admin, you will then see a list of schools within your district and you can pick and choose which schools will see the featured media.
  3. Once you’re happy with your choices, click on the Feature Media Item button and it will be added.

Removing Featured Media

If a feature has run its course, follow these steps on how to remove it:

  1. Click on the Administrative Tools toolbox icon on the top menu bar and select Featured Media.
  2. The Featured Media page will show you a list of all media currently on display. Click on the Remove from Featured Media icon (trash can) to the right of the media to remove it. If you have access to multiple schools, you’ll be able to choose the school from the dropdown.

The Featured Media page is also useful for telling you who featured what and when.