All Users

The All Users icon on the top menu bar provides an alphabetical listing of all users within the school and/or school district. From here, you can view a user’s media or update a user’s information depending on your account access level and the media’s permission level.

Entering a name in the Display Name field at the top of the page will search for a user within the entire district or school.  If multiple users exist with that particular name, a list of names will be displayed.

View User’s Media

Once a user is found, clicking on their name will display that user’s media list.  All available media will be displayed based upon the viewer’s access level.

Update User’s Information

The All Users feature also allows for changing a user’s password, changing a user’s access level, moving a user to a different school within the district, and deleting a user’s account.  All of these functions are available to District Administrators, and excluding the move functionality, to School Administrators.

If you’d like to update the user’s information, follow these instructions:

  1. Much of the information for the district will already appear in some of the required fields, such as State, Consortium, and District.
  2. With the State, Consortium, and District already pre-populated, select the School from the drop down list, where this user’s account should reside.
  3. Enter the information for this user in the following fields: User Name, Password, Password Repeat, First Name, Middle Name (optional), Last Name, Email (optional), and Display Name (optional).
  4. Make sure to select the User Type from the drop down menu.
  5.  If your school district subscribes to Live Streaming, you can toggle this feature on and off for the user and assign them to the streaming channels that they should have permission to stream to.
  6. When done, don’t forget to click the Update button.